Monday, April 24, 2006

It's been a while

I haven't posted since my blog was blocked after it was detected as spam. It was whitelisted after about 2 days, but then there were server problems and so I stepped away from blogging and from Win32 programming.

Now, I'm back and am hoping to get into Win32 for User Interfaces, Sockets, and Thread to develop a tiny chat application. I have a chat server/client that runs on Linux; this will be a complete re-write targeted at Windows (Win32 platform).

The first speed-bump I came across was using the 'how' constant for shutdown - the Linux equivalent wasn't supported and SD_BOTH worked only with Winsock2.h. It took me a while to figure out that I have to include Winsock2.h before Windows.h because Windows.h automatically includes Winsock.h.


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